少しアカデミックよりな本ですが、今まで自分が色々目を通した中では使えそう&役立ちそう本の1つだと思います。 基本はやはりセオリーベースで、どこかの業界に特化したケーススタディとかは沢山載っていません(例えばITとか)が、それでも良いテキストだと思います。以下、目次の写しです。 ちなみにAmazon JPで検索してみたら9千円でした。高けぇ~
Carter, S. & Evans, D, J. ed. Enterprise and Small Business. Edinburgh: Prentice Hall.
Carter, S. & Evans, D, J. ed. Enterprise and Small Business. Edinburgh: Prentice Hall.
Section I The small business environment
2.Self-employment and small firms
3.The enterprise culture: the socio-economic context of small firms
4.Small-business policy, support and governance
5.The social and cultural world of enterprise
2.Self-employment and small firms
3.The enterprise culture: the socio-economic context of small firms
4.Small-business policy, support and governance
5.The social and cultural world of enterprise
Section II Entrepreneruship and the smalkl firm
6.Initiating entrepreneurshio
7.Business start-up:theory,practice and policy
8.The psychology of the entrepreneur
9.Family and enterprise
10.Gender and enterprise
11.Ethnicity and enterprise
12.Franchising and enterprise
13.Techinical entrepreneurship
15.Entrepreneurship in transitional economies
Section III Management and the small firm
16.Strategy and the small firm
17.People and the small firm
18.Training and the small firm
19.Finance and the small firm
20.Marketing and the small firm
21.Networking and the small firm
22.Information and communication technology in the small firm
23.Growth and development in the small firm
24. Internationalisation and the small firm
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