
In Shanghai, huge numbers of people are working around because of the New Year holiday. Even in trademark there are millions of people…. I don’t like it
Anyway, Shanghai is quite enjoyable city although there are not many sightseeing areas. The point is architecture. Firstly, the building in Shanghai is definitely higher than Japanese. Even now I am typing this blog from 24th floor (Taka-) Secondly, there are still old fashion building in centre of Shanghai. These gaps between new building and old one are quite fun.
By the way, I realise that my English especially writing is getting worse and worse. I can’t find WORD, oh my I need the time to remember these word. Learn Again?? lol


花城 康貴
花城 康貴
1978年生まれ。特定非営利活動法人フローの代表理事。リクルート新卒入社後、新規営業から商品企画、ネット集客を経験、2010年退職後、自身で通販サイトをオープン、2013年大阪に帰阪、2016年に教育事業を開始。2018年6月スウェーデン訪問時にSDGsに触れ大きな衝撃を受ける。好きな言葉は、「一燈照隅 万燈照国」SDGsの理念と似てるなと感じています。

いいね ! をお願いします

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