My long? trip nearly finish. Im in London now.
Last two days I met course mates and disussed our archievement since last September. They are great, work hard and think hard. I am really happy to be their friend.
By the way, one of the friends told me that she can introduce me one of British Entrepreneurs who found WAGAMAMA (Japanese restaurant in the UK sucessfule business ). I cant remember his name, but I saw before in some magaziens. so really looking foward to seeing him 😉
ohh drink too much…
Last two days I met course mates and disussed our archievement since last September. They are great, work hard and think hard. I am really happy to be their friend.
By the way, one of the friends told me that she can introduce me one of British Entrepreneurs who found WAGAMAMA (Japanese restaurant in the UK sucessfule business ). I cant remember his name, but I saw before in some magaziens. so really looking foward to seeing him 😉
ohh drink too much…

- 1978年生まれ。特定非営利活動法人フローの代表理事。リクルート新卒入社後、新規営業から商品企画、ネット集客を経験、2010年退職後、自身で通販サイトをオープン、2013年大阪に帰阪、2016年に教育事業を開始。2018年6月スウェーデン訪問時にSDGsに触れ大きな衝撃を受ける。好きな言葉は、「一燈照隅 万燈照国」SDGsの理念と似てるなと感じています。